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Water Supply

Domestic Water Supply Masuku

Aquaquest carried out a water demand study to identify the water needs at Masuku mission. Additionally the old reticulation system was mapped. Groundwater was identified as the most suitable source of water through a hydrological assessment. Subsequently Aquaquest located areas of high groundwater potential and… Read More »Domestic Water Supply Masuku

Luswishi Farm Block Development

Aquaquest conducted a water supply feasibility study for the 100,000ha Luswishi Farm Block Development. Various farming activities will be planned and different water supply systems need to be developed to meet the various demands. Aquaquest also hosts the project office for the international consultants that… Read More »Luswishi Farm Block Development

Mushingashi Hydrological Assessment

Aquaquest is carrying out a hydrological assessment for the Mushingashi Farm Development in Lufwanyama. The hydrological investigations will assist in investigating the feasibility of a proposed, relatively large earth-dam. Specifically, the study will determine its suitability to supply sufficient water for future irrigation requirements and… Read More »Mushingashi Hydrological Assessment

Groundwater Assessment for future expansion of Solwezi Urban Water Supply System

Aquaquest is conducting desk studies, data collection field investigations and groundwater modelling for the assessment of available groundwater resources that could be used for future water supply development for Solwezi Town. This includes the selection of the most suitable future wellfield areas, exploratory drilling and… Read More »Groundwater Assessment for future expansion of Solwezi Urban Water Supply System

Hydrogeological investigations, drilling supervision, test pumping and casting of boreholes

Hydrogeological investigations, drilling supervision, test pumping and casting of boreholes Client: Uganda Ministry of Water and Environment WE Consult was commissioned by the Ministry of Water and Environment to investigate the ground water potential for the construction of eight deep boreholes at selected locations in… Read More »Hydrogeological investigations, drilling supervision, test pumping and casting of boreholes

Development of water and sanitation infrastructure for Mbarara – Masaka areas

Hydrogeological investigations, drilling supervision, test pumping and casting of boreholes Client: National Water and Sewerage Corporation The objective of this study ass to assist in developing the concepts for the improvement and new build of water and sanitation infrastructure for the Mbarara and Masaka areas,… Read More »Development of water and sanitation infrastructure for Mbarara – Masaka areas