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Xls test #1 – Copy

This is a xls download test Unless otherwise mentioned, use of our presented data is free. However we request the user of our data to refer to our organisation in the following way: “The data in this project/result/product was provided by © WE-Consult, for more… Read More »Xls test #1 – Copy

PDF test #1

This is a xls download test Unless otherwise mentioned, use of our presented data is free. However we request the user of our data to refer to our organisation in the following way: “The data in this project/result/product was provided by © WE-Consult, for more… Read More »PDF test #1

Xls test #1

This is a xls download test Unless otherwise mentioned, use of our presented data is free. However we request the user of our data to refer to our organisation in the following way: “The data in this project/result/product was provided by © WE-Consult, for more… Read More »Xls test #1

WATPLAN – 2011

Through the WATPLAN monitoring system WE Consult helped developing equitable and transparent transboundary water management. This is a web accessible monitoring system for the Incomati Basin in the south of Mozambique. The system presents satellite maps of various water accounting parameters on a weekly basis.… Read More »WATPLAN – 2011