Detailed hydrogeological study for monitoring the aquifer system in the Nhartanda Valley – Tete City, Mozambique (2014-2015)
WE Consult Mozambique was contracted for the provision of consulting services to ARA-Zambeze (the water board for the Zambezi River Valley Region) for an extensive groundwater study in the Nhartanda Valley regarding the drinking water supply of the city of Tete.
This hydrogeological study aims to get insight in the Nhartanda aquifer system to support the drinking water operator (FIPAG) current drinking water supply abstraction and future well field expansion and groundwater protection. This study includes a detailed description of the capacity of the Nhartanda Valley Aquifer System and proposal for locations for construction of production boreholes for the Tete water supply, as well as a groundwater monitoring plan and a detailed description of measures to protect the Nhartanda Valley aquifer system.
The main objectives of this project are:
- A detailed description of the Nhartanda Valley Aquifer System (time independent data); including a conceptual model, identification of major threats to the aquifer system, and a description of the existing wells / water points.
- A detailed description of the capacity of the aquifer system (time dependent data) and proposal for sections / locations for construction of production boreholes for the Tete water supply (FIPAG); including results of well inventories and hydrogeological parameters, advise on a database for groundwater data, a water balance and estimation of groundwater recharge and capacity of the aquifer system.
- A monitoring plan for the Nhartanda Valley Aquifer System; including a final proposal for the water points to be included in the Monitoring Network, a detailed description of the monitoring network, including locations, parameters and frequency, and recommendations on a future groundwater model for the Nhartanda Valley.
- A detailed description of measures to protect the Nhartanda Valley aquifer system, with special emphasis on the Protection Zone; including advise on a Registration and Licensing System for groundwater users in the Nhartanda Valley, description of legal aspects related to the establishment of a protection zone and licensing system, and a description of other proposal and measures to protect the Nhartanda Valley aquifer system.
WE Consult performed a desk study as well as two extensive hydrogeological field investigations (both in dry and in wet season), which included well inventories (both water level and water quality), geophysical surveys (using Electrical Resistivity Tomography), infiltration measurements, topographical measurements and land-use mapping as well as theoretical and practical (on site in the field) training of ARA-Zambeze staff.
Qualitative data analysis of the desk and field study resulted in four comprehensive reports, including hydrogeological profiles of the Nhartanda Aquifer including geometry and parametrization, groundwaterlevel and waterquality maps (dry and wet season) and groundwater balance calculations.