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Narrative description of project:

The Livelihoods Empowerment and Development (LEAD) project is a five-year initiative to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Boane, Marracuene and Namaacha districts in Maputo Province, Mozambique. The LEAD Project, which began in August 2013, is funded by BHP Billiton Sustainable Communities and implemented by ACDI/VOCA. The program will address key constraints such as farm management, business planning and market access that prevent farmers from reaching their full potential. The LEAD Project will apply ACDI/VOCA’s signature value chain approach to facilitate lasting positive change, promoting community involvement and clear ownership by stakeholders.



Description of services provided by our staff:

·         Determine the baseline values of key impact and outcomes level indicators. Collect data comparable to what will be collected during the final evaluation to determine the level of change on impact and outcome indicators between baseline and final evaluation.

·         Establish the current status of the targeted beneficiary group.

  • Design of tools including statistically sound approach
  • Data collection and cleaning

·         Detailed reporting including advising on policy and implementation of indicators