The Government of Mozambique requested the Government of Japan for the Grant Aid Assistance in order to implement a project for construction of a rural water supply facility in the Province of Niassa. The aim was providing sustainable water supply and use of safe water and hygiene practices at target communities located in seven districts in Niassa province. In response, the Government of Japan decided to conduct a Socio-Economic Survey by sending a Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Survey Team formed by the Joint Venture between Japan Techno Co., Ltd. and Earth System Science Co., Ltd., which is officially retained by JICA. WE Consult carried out the Socio-Economic Survey in 130 villages and 5 townships to gather data and help assess socio-economic conditions of the project candidate sites. We held household surveys, a water point survey, a village head interview and a rapid Rural Appraisal/Focus Group Discussion. Based on this, the target sites for the Rural Water Supply Facilities were selected.