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SNV Sanitation Baseline Survey

SNV Sanitation Baseline Survey in 23 districts for SSH4A and Uganda Sanitation Fund

Client: SNV

Sustainable Sanitation & Hygiene for All (SSH4A) is SNV’s comprehensive approach to ensuring equitable access to improved sanitation and hygiene for those who need it most. It is essentially a capacity building approach, supporting local government to lead and accelerate progress towards district-wide sanitation coverage with a focus on institutional sustainability and learning. The SSH4A approach uses an integrated model that combines four components of i) demand creation, ii) sanitation supply chain strengthening, iii) hygiene behavioural change communication (BCC) and iv) governance.

The main objectives of the baseline survey were to establish:

  • The progress in access to improved sanitary facilities.
  • The progress in hygienic use and maintenance of sanitation facilities.
  • The progress in access to hand washing with soap stations.

To this end, WE Consult carried out the following activities:

  • Household questionnaires
  • Focus group discussions
  • Key Informant interviews
  • Training and supervision of enumerators
  • Data Processing and analysis