Feasibility Studies and Water Quality Monitoring for the Development of a New Water Treatment Plant East of Kampala
Client: National Water and Sewerage Corporation
The objective of the assignment was to undertake activities that would entail carrying out detailed feasibility studies, that shall aid the identification of the most suitable location and treatment configuration for the new water treatment plant, and development of an abstraction system for the water treatment plant, primary storage reservoir and its associated transmissions mains. The consultancy also entailed the undertaking of an Environmental and Social Impact.
WE Consult prepared an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Study and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), that would guide subsequent catchment management planning activities during design, construction and operation of the Plant.
As part of the consultancy, a water quality testing, analysis, and monitoring program was carried out over a period of two years, with a view of proposing a strategy for Water Quality Monitoring on the lake. The water quality monitoring would also inform future decision making and catchment management programs, and entail procurement of appropriate equipment and establishment of an appropriate monitoring system to carry on with the exercise after the two years.